Visual Journaling Creativity Workshop with Cristina Hajosy. This workshop will explore the relationships between the artist, journals, personal narratives and new creative art process. We’ll explore layering, text, photo-realism, and the unique features that book structures can add to your artwork. How does the daily interface with a journal change the artist’s process, inform the artwork, and develop a greater meaning? Wednesday, January 29, 2020 from 10am to 4pm at Hajosy Arts, Canton, MA.
Read the rest of this post...Visual Journaling and the Body – Evening Winter Workshop – New Art Center
When writing in a personal diary doesn’t resonate with you, perhaps going with a visual expression will. Journaling alongside a medical struggle, the birth of a child, documenting the family’s growth at a reunion, and even as a memorial or tribute to someone special – the personal, reflective nature of the journal can really expand one’s life.
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