Fabric Marbling – Adult One-Day Workshop
The Eliot School, 24 Eliot St., Boston (Jamaica Plain, off Centre St.), MA 02130
Sunday, April 29, 2018
10am to 4pm
Sign up here! 
Explore Turkish-style marbling on textiles such as ribbon, cotton, linen and silk. Combine beautiful swirls and mottling colors to create lovely, unique designs on pre-sewn scarves or on a fabric you can then use for clothing or other projects.
Typical selections include:
Fabric Yardage in cotton, linen, polyester and blends
Pre-sewn “Blanks” in silks and cotton may include pocket squares, flour sack cloths, and long scarves
Ribbons in a variety of fabrics
Of course, you’ll have custom color mixing for plenty of choices.
Open to everyone ages 18 & up, all media and skill levels.
It’s a messy business, so please dress accordingly!
Materials fee $45, payable in class.
To see additional marbling images, check out the marbling gallery on the Hajosy Arts Facebook page.