Concrete Barrier Painting Project – Newton Al Fresco Program of the Newton Cultural Development – We helped local restaurants and made Newton more beautiful! Getting some outdoors creativity and public art project collaborations with my artist friends from the Newton Art Association.
Read the rest of this post...Cristina Hajosy's Current Shows
Covid Masks Exhibition – Twiggs Gallery
Check out Cristina Hajosy’s feminist face mask in Covid Art Mask Pop-Up Show at Twiggs Gallery at Cornerstone Design, Boscawen, NH.
Read the rest of this post...Trophy Wives in NAA group show – Emergence – Piano Craft Gallery, Boston
2 color photographs from Cristina Hajosy’s current series, Trophy Wives are included in “Emergence – Bring to Light” group exhibition at the Piano Craft Gallery with Newton Art Association. March 6 – 29, 2020. Opening Reception, Friday, March 6 from 6-8pm. Piano Craft Gallery, 793 Tremont St., Boston, MA
Read the rest of this post...Ocean Deep included in Newton FenceART 2019/20
Ocean Deep (Acrylic overmarbling on Masa paper) is included in FenceART, a public art project dedicated to bringing vibrant, engaging art to neighborhoods throughout Newton. A jury-chosen group of 20 works by Newton artists, embracing a broad range of styles and media (within the boundaries of propriety for public outdoor art), are printed on high-quality vinyl banners. The banners rotate to 5 Newton public fence locations for approximately 10 weeks at a time, in groups of 3 to 5 works. Over the course of a year, all 20 works will be shown at each location. This is a joint project of Newton Open Studios (NOS) and Newton Community Pride.
Read the rest of this post...Trophy Wives in Body Landscape Exhibition – Menino Arts Center, Hyde Park
2 color photographs from my current series, Trophy Wives are included in “The Body Landscape” group exhibition at the Menino Arts Center with Hyde Park Art Association. The exhibit features 17 artists interpreting the theme in a wide variety of 2D and 3D media. This exhibit was juried by Robert Siegelman, an amazing teacher and mixed media artist at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts who works primarily in drawing and photography. January 28 – March 1, 2020. Opening reception on Saturday, Feb. 8 from 3-5:30pm.
Read the rest of this post...Vagonion at MA Feminist Zine Festival – April 25 – Beverly – CANCELED
Get ready for another MA Feminist Zine Festival! This year, we’re at the Paper Asylum in Beverly. This zine fest is largely focused on perzines. Perzines are zines often personal in nature and could be about any topic. Perzines include many types of media, most commonly writing. We can’t wait to see you! Hajosy Arts will be there with Vagonion, The Marbled Woman – Adult Coloring Book – Lady Bits – stickers and more! Saturday, April 25, 2020 from 11am to 5pm.
Read the rest of this post...Hajosy Arts at New Art Center for Newton Open Studios April 4-5 – CANCELED
Once again, Hajosy Arts is proud to be participating in this Spring’s Newton Open Studio Weekend. Cristina will be joining her fellow art educators and friends at the New Art Center’s group site. With 20+ artists in one space, it’s certain to provide a lovely stop on the art tour throughout Newton. This city-wide event is always a real treat with 150 artists! Saturday, April 4 and Sunday, April 5 from 11am to 5pm.
Read the rest of this post...2019 JP Holiday Flea – Saturday, December 14 – First Church in Jamaica Plain
Get your holiday shopping started at the JP Holiday Flea! Visit Cristina at Hajosy Art’s booth for some wonderful holiday gift ideas. Saturday, December 14, 2019 from 11am to 4pm at the First Church in Jamaica Plain, Boston, MA.
Read the rest of this post...SMFA Art Sale 2019 – November 21-24 – Boston
School of the Museum of Fine Arts’ celebrated annual sale has become a destination for art collectors and for those who simply love art. I’m excited to participate again this year! 5 selections from my recent series, Time and Tide are there. With thousands of works on a changing rotation, priced by the artists […]
Read the rest of this post...Holiday Open Studio – Hajosy Arts, Canton – Saturday, November 30
23rd Annual Holiday Open Studio! Cristina Hajosy will be opening her home and studio on Saturday, November 30, 2019 from Noon to 10pm. Join her for some holiday cheer and an opportunity to get some of your holiday shopping out of the way while supporting a local artist!
Read the rest of this post...Hajosy Arts/Vagonion at Boston Art Book Fair – Nov 8-10 at Boston Cyclorama
We’re excited for the return of the Boston Art Book Fair 2019 at Boston Center for the Arts’ Cyclorama! Hajosy Arts is proud to be an exhibitor at this show again. Get the latest volumes of her feminist zine, Vagonion, along with new stickers, adult coloring books, and tons of blank books and small editions. November 8-10, 2019
Read the rest of this post...JP Spring Fair – First Church Jamaica Plain – Saturday, June 1st
Perfect day to score great Father’s Day, wedding, baby shower or graduation gifts while supporting artists and crafts folks in this area. Hajosy Arts will be there! JP Spring Fair, Saturday, June 1 from 11am to 4pm at the First Church of Jamaica Plain, 6 Eliot St. and Centre St. Rain or shine!
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