Here’s a favorite Pop-up structure!
Flag Artist’s Books with Cristina Hajosy
Thursday, November 10, 2022 from 7 – 9pm on Zoom!
Flag books have wonderful sculptural possibilities. With multiple angles of view, they provide interesting double narrative potentials, contrasting viewpoints, or “yin and yang”, if you will. Viewers enjoy the visual movement of flag books. They beg the viewer to play and to keep interacting with the artwork. There are so many approaches to content. They’re excellent for creative poetry, wish lists, sweet nothings, photographs, abstract designs, and more.
This online workshop will cover the basic book arts skills needed to create these exciting moveable books. Cristina uses live screen sharing, detailed slideshows, and video shorts to share her passion for flag books.
For those interested in a hands-on experience, bring the following materials to create your own flag book during the demo.
- Long, thin strips of heavy-weight paper or card stock. 8 x 26 inches approx.
- Scrap heavy-weight paper or card stock and scissors for Flags
- Glue with foam brush and scrap paper
- Cutting mat with ruler and bone folder/scoring tool
Newton Art Association 
Free monthly artist’s demos are offered online for all.
Details HERE
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 881 4264 8386
Passcode: 234558
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