Cristina Hajosy will be opening her home and studio on Saturday, December 10, 2016. Join her for some holiday cheer and an opportunity to get some of your holiday shopping out of the way while supporting a local artist!
Read the rest of this post...Beyond the Book X, Exhibition – Nov 12 to Jan 28, 2017 – Book Arts
This annual exhibit features a wide array of artist’s books, altered books and collage. Settled into the spaces, walls, and shelves of the 2 Brighton libraries, the show contrasts traditional and experimental notions of the book. Saturday afternoon, November 12, meet many of the artists during the opening reception.
Read the rest of this post...Paper Marbling Workshop – Hajosy Arts private studio – Wednesday, November 30th
A day experimenting with paper marbling. We’ll focus on Turkish-style marbling. This method, “Ebru”, can produce lovely figurative designs of fish, flowers, birds. and abstract shapes or go with the traditional combed patterns. Your floating designs may be free-form, combed, or even blown. Join Cristina Hajosy at her home studio for Paper Marbling Workshop. 10am to 4pm, Wednesday, November 30
Read the rest of this post...Drop-in Marbling Studio at Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum – Saturday, October 8, 2016
Experiment, engage and create in the Education Studio at the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston. On select Saturdays each month, artists in the Boston area lead drop-in workshops in their medium for Museum visitors. Experiment with artists’ working methods and explore the creative process from multiple perspectives during these lively, hand-on workshops designed for all ages. Tuition costs are including with your museum admission! Saturday, October 8 from 11am to 4pm, Cristina Hajosy of Hajosy Arts will lead a paper marbling open studio with hands-on demonstrations.
Read the rest of this post...September News – JP Open Studios – This Weekend!
My favorite time of year! The end of summer warmth combined with the crisp morning welcome of the fall. This weekend starts my open studio/art fair/craft market season. Get an early start to your holiday and gift shopping. Find the perfect art work for your home. I’ll be inside the Eliot School with my fellow […]
Read the rest of this post...Paper Marbling Workshops – The Eliot School – Fall 2016 and Winter 2017
Create beautiful swirls and mottling colors on paper with marbling. Learn “ebru”, the Turkish-style of marbling, on water thickened with carrageenan (Irish moss). Experiment with a range of materials, colors and papers to create lovely, unique designs. Marbled paper is striking when used as book end papers, portfolio covers, and more.
Read the rest of this post...Exhibition and Art Sale – Jamaica Plain Open Studios – Sept. 17-18, 2016
Hajosy Arts is excited to be participating in Jamaica Plain Open Studios this fall! Come visit Cristina’s booth inside at the Eliot School. The Eliot School will be showcasing their fabulous faculty again this year. Over 20 artists will share their unique creations. Art demonstrations throughout both days on the front lawn.
Read the rest of this post...Contemporary Paper Marbling – 3 Day Workshop – Concord Art – August 2016
This 3 day workshop will explore contemporary paper marbling. We will create beautiful stone patterns and playful combed designs. Using various techniques, we will expand the concepts into unique creations that highlight the floating and freeform nature of this medium. Concord Art, August 2-4, 2016 with Cristina Hajosy
Read the rest of this post...Paper Marbling Workshop Weekend back at MassArt for Summer!
Spend a weekend learning several types of paper marbling. Make a mountain of unique paper designs for use in mixed media projects, collage, bookbinding, greeting cards, calligraphy, or printmaking. Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Boston on Saturday, June 4 and Sunday, June 5 from 10am to 4pm with Cristina Hajosy.
Read the rest of this post...Reminder! This Saturday – Paper Marbling – in my studio April 2, 2016
Spend the morning learning the process or jump right in, if you’re familiar with the materials. This workshop is structured to be an introduction for beginners or an open studio for intermediate or advanced students. Fostering an open, relaxed environment where all levels of artists can learn and share ideas, producing beautiful papers, and expanding your art practice; that’s what it’s all about. Paper Marbling with Cristina Hajosy
Read the rest of this post...Private Workshop – Paper Marbling – Saturday, April 2, 2016
Spend the morning learning the process or jump right in, if you’re familiar with the materials. This workshop is structured to be an introduction for beginners or an open studio for intermediate or advanced students. Fostering an open, relaxed environment where all levels of artists can learn and share ideas, producing beautiful papers, and expanding your art practice; that’s what it’s all about. Paper Marbling with Cristina Hajosy
Read the rest of this post...Paper Marbling – Adult Workshops – The Eliot School – Spring and Summer 2016
Paper Marbling – Adult One-Day Workshops The Eliot School, 24 Eliot St., Boston (Jamaica Plain, off Centre St.), MA 02130 Create beautiful swirls and mottling colors on paper with marbling. Learn “ebru”, the Turkish-style of marbling, on water thickened with carrageenan (Irish moss). Experiment with a range of materials, colors and papers to create […]
Read the rest of this post...