Come join Cristina and many local artists at this one day arts and craft market. Visit the Artists’ Alley for unique gift ideas for Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, spring weddings and birthdays. Bookmaking demonstrations by Hajosy Arts throughout the day. Attend artist lectures on their creative process and the business side of selling and promoting their art.
Read the rest of this post...New Workshop at MassArt! Paper Marbling Weekend – January 9-10, 2016
Spend a weekend learning several types of paper marbling with Cristina Hajosy. Make a mountain of unique paper designs for use in mixed media projects, collage, bookbinding, greeting cards, calligraphy, or printmaking. Many cultures have explored the notion of floating colors on the surface of liquids as a way to create decoration. Each style of marbling has its own design potential, color saturation, workflow, and even predictability. We’ll cover Turkish Ebru, Japanese Suminagashi, and several modern variations. Each student will have their own vat for printing. All materials are included, along with great paper and cardstock choices, custom colors, and course handouts. January 9 and 10, 2016 from 10am to 4pm
Read the rest of this post...Mixed Media Workshop – Surface Treatment – New Art Center – Winter 2016
This 5-week workshop will explore surface treatments for papers within mixed media arts. Complexity in layering, building textures and depth, finding personal imagery that is elevated by this background. Students will learn how to work with paste paper, marbling paper and additional paper techniques to create various surfaces that allow for a build-up of layers. Once the background is created students will be able to finish their paintings exploring creativity freely, developing personal imagery.
Read the rest of this post...Friday Night Out – Private Marbling Workshop – January 15, 2016
An evening experimenting with paper marbling. Start off the New Year with a creativity session at Hajosy Arts. Friday, January 15 from 6 to 10pm. Paper Marbling Workshop
Read the rest of this post...Private Paper Marbling Workshop – Thursday evening – September 24, 2015
Private Paper Marbling Workshop – Thursday evening – September 24, 2015 An evening experimenting with Cristina Hajosy and paper marbling. We’ll focus on Turkish-style marbling. This method, “Ebru”, can produce lovely figurative designs of fish, flowers, birds. and abstract shapes or go with the traditional combed patterns. Your floating designs may be free-form, combed, or even blown. Structured to be an introduction for beginners and open studio for intermediate or advanced students. Learn an exciting, engaging new art. Fostering an open, relaxed environment where all levels of artists can learn and share ideas, producing beautiful papers, and expanding your art practice; that’s what it’s all about.
Read the rest of this post...Paper Marbling – Weekend Adult Workshop – Concord Art Association – November 7-8, 2015
Spend a November weekend with Cristina Hajosy making Turkish-style paper marbling at the Concord Art Association. We will create beautiful stone patterns and playful combed designs. Using various techniques, we will expand the concepts into unique creations that highlight the floating and freeform nature of this medium. Working on water thickened with carrageenan (Irish moss), the patterns are easily controlled and the colors become vibrant. Experiment with a wide range of materials, colors, and papers. November 7 from 10am to 4pm and Sunday from noon to 4pm.
Read the rest of this post...Mixed Media Paper Treatment – Adult Workshop – New Art Center – Fall 2015
This 5-week workshop will explore surface treatments for papers within mixed media arts. Complexity in layering, building textures and depth, finding personal imagery that is elevated by this background. Students will learn how to work with paste paper, marbling paper and additional paper techniques to create various surfaces that allow for a build-up of layers. Once the background is created students will be able to finish their paintings exploring creativity freely, developing personal imagery. Wednesdays, Oct 28 to Dec 9, 2015 from 6:30 – 9:30pm at the New Art Center, Newtonville, MA
Read the rest of this post...Paper Marbling – Adult Workshops – The Eliot School – Winter 2016
Create beautiful swirls and mottling colors on paper with marbling. Learn “ebru”, the Turkish-style of marbling on water thickened with carrageenan (Irish moss). Experiment with a range of materials, colors and papers to create lovely, unique designs. Marbled paper is striking when used as book end papers, portfolio covers, and more. Beginners and repeat students are welcome. If you know the basics, get marbling immediately. Refresh your skills or learn from scratch! Paper Marbling – Adult Workshops – The Eliot School – Winter 2016
Read the rest of this post...Date Change! Private Workshop – Paper Marbling Projects – Sunday, August 30, 2015
New Date! Private Paper Marbling Workshop – Sunday, August 30, 2015 from 10am to 4pm with Cristina Hajosy. Paper Marbling Projects – Our marbling experiments will begin with a basic overview of “proper” Turkish paper marbling, called “Ebru”. Students will have access to a variety of fresh, new marbling trays, as well as, aged marbling size, and even contaminated mixtures with unique and unpredictable outcomes. Learning the “rules” and breaking them, that’s what this workshop will encourage. Your floating designs may be free-form, combed, blown, or perhaps a mixture. Having several print surfaces evolving at the same time can fill in the down time between dropping the colors and the liquid flow, drift, and crackling. I find the transformations to be hypnotic.
Read the rest of this post...Private Workshop – Paper Marbling – Saturday, July 11, 2015
A day experimenting with paper marbling. We’ll focus on Turkish-style marbling. This method, “Ebru”, can produce lovely figurative designs of fish, flowers, birds. and abstract shapes or go with the traditional combed patterns. Saturday, July 11, 2015 from 10am to 4pm.
Read the rest of this post...Private Paper Marbling Workshop – Saturday, June 20, 2015
A day experimenting with paper marbling. We’ll focus on Turkish-style marbling. This method, “Ebru”, can produce lovely figurative designs of fish, flowers, birds. and abstract shapes or go with the traditional combed patterns. Saturday, June 20, 2015 from 10am to 4pm.
Read the rest of this post...Private Workshop – Paper Marbling – Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Come spend a day experimenting with paper marbling. We’ll focus on Turkish-style marbling. This method, “Ebru”, can produce lovely figurative designs of fish, flowers, birds. and abstract shapes or go with the traditional combed patterns. This workshop is structured to be an introduction for beginners or an open studio for intermediate or advanced students. Fostering an open, relaxed environment where all levels of artists can learn and share ideas, producing beautiful papers, and expanding your art practice; that’s what it’s all about. Tuesday, May 5, 2015 from 10am to 4pm.
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